
Intuitive Here to Help

Monday, October 8, 2012

Illusional Disillusions

Dear Souls,

         Noticing how different life is these days. Long gone are the days of working for the same company, having the same social group of friends and staying in a long term situation for a long time. At least this is how it is for about 80% of the population. I am just guessing at this, but the more I talk to others, the more it seems that time, life changes are growing stronger and sometimes even faster. Everyone is having to learn to trust and go with the flow.    

This is not an all factual lifestyle for everyone and may not even be something that everyone enjoys. I always found my comfort level strong being with the same work group, social group, etc. At least I used to think that way. Now, don't get me wrong. Long term work and relationships, friendships are a very good thing, but I am thinking more around the lines of how we are in an ever changing world. It's kind of a go-with-the-flow or be washed away type of feeling sometimes. I was thinking about how much my life had changed in the past 10 years and the different jobs I've had, friends I've made and adventures I'd been on. I've been out of my comfort level (or my old comfort zone that I used to stay in) for a long time now. The big thing that I realized is this, it's really alright to be this way!  The not-knowing of what will happen next. Flowing with Universal Consciousness and letting myself be taken away by a joyous journey or adventure is a part of my life. It hasn't all been wonderful; hard work, yes. Fun and exciting, yes. Challenging and sometimes a struggle (that I didn't know if I was going to make it out alive), yes! Sometimes the feeling of the not knowing and the uncertainty has been more of a comfort to me than when I had been in the same place for a long time. I've found that I am no longer clinging to what could change outside of me within weeks, days, even minutes. I am trusting the process of life so no longer have to cling to the what ifs of yesterday......

We sometimes seem to get caught up in illusional disillusions thinking that everything we have in life is a given. Our jobs, our homes, our family, our friends, our thoughts, and our dreams. The only thing real in this life on this earth is change. The best and greatest feeling of what is real and never changing on earth or outside of it is Love, the connection to Universal Consciousness, God energy, whatever your name may be for it. This connection is always real. It always has been real for those willing to connect.

Don't get caught up in the illusional disillusions of life. Live your life as if tomorrow isn't promised, because it isn't. Don't live out of fear, live out of love. Know that your life is a masterpiece, your masterpiece, your artwork which God has trusted you with. LIVE YOUR DREAMS! Mine are just beginning as I've learned that letting go of being structured and confined opens up my life to new worlds, new joys, new beginnings. If you are finding discomfort in your life at this time, meditate, pray and ask God to help you to let it go. May your life begin again and may you be strong enough to let go of illusional disillusions.

Blessings dear ones,
Cherlyn ~Sekhmet~ Alexander

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Elliptical Awareness

Dear Souls,

    What has your life been like lately? Have you noticed that you're going through many changes at this time or in alignment with others who are going through similar changes? Do you find yourself sending prayers for others either due to challenging times they are going through, a job loss, a death they are going through or do you find yourself on a path that is the same? What is happening in your thoughts and feelings? Are you creating the magnificence of what you are or are you still wallowing in self doubts and finding that you are still going through drama after drama? Are you really living the life you want to live? Or are you just existing day after day, hour after hour, watching the world go round.......waiting on the bus to come and pick you up and someone else drive you? These questions you should not only be pondering at this time in your life, but giving some SERIOUS thought too. As our thoughts become our true being at this time. We are transitioning, transforming. We are reaching an elliptical awareness which has not been reached at any other time in our lives. What goes around in your thought, word and deed truly will come back around in full force. Be aware of this aspect of yourself and what you are creating, what you are in alignment with. The best way to say it is  "Be the change which you wish to see in the world"!

Blessings dear souls,

Cherlyn "Sekhmet" Alexander

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How Green Is Your Valley?

Although this was written 3 years ago. It can still have affect as to what we are experiencing in our lives today. Do not go into illusion and feel as if Universal Life Force (God) has given up on you.

Blessings dear souls, Timelesssoul1

How Green Is Your Valley?

            You are walking out through a wide and long meadow when you come upon something that stirs your imagination and your soul to the very core. This picture is so grand, so intensely extreme that it takes your breath away.  The overpowering strength of the force of its nature draws you closer to get a better view.


            Picture in your mind some high rugged mountains, where steep rocks strive to retain the outlying edges. These mountains rest across a blue sky where only wisps of clouds dare to envelope the peaks. Resting tranquilly through the middle of these mountains is a deep green valley. How odd the valley looks from a distance inside this steep jagged surface. Still something beckons you closer to feel the full effect.

            As you get closer you hear trickling water, singing birds, see many butterflies and hear the humming of bees. That’s when you notice the exuberance of what you have stumbled into. In this deep green valley running smoothly through these high rugged mountains, a small stream feeds the lush green valley from a ravine running down the middle of the mountains. Half way up on the other side of the mountain you notice a clear, deep blue, abundantly flowing waterfall. Now you feel a sense of peace come over you as you move closer noticing the lavishness of this deep green valley. You blissfully surrender to your surroundings as you become one with this natural scene. You are part of the lush green grass, the meadow, the flowers, and the gratefulness of the song-filled birds. You become so transfixed on the tranquility that you no longer see the ruggedness of the mountains. They are all just a part of the surroundings, but they are not at the heart of what lies inside.

            Now envision this: Think of the rugged mountains as life’s challenges or obstacles you come across. The deep green valley is the heart of you. The waterfall represents God/Universal Source. It seems that sometimes in our lives, we only see the rugged mountains. We forget to experience and refresh ourselves under the waterfall that is always available to us. We forget to go within in prayer or meditation and let God wash over and cleanse our struggling hearts and minds.

            The color green is associated with the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the energy flowing in the center of our chest. When we go through too many struggles in our lives and our heart chakra is out of balance, we may experience difficulty in relationships. We may attempt to depend on someone else for our happiness and feel a lack of self discipline. To balance this feeling, breathe in God’s love, create something, go into nature and feel the balance of life around you. Give, donate, share something with someone and expect nothing in return. By doing this you release the emotionally suppressed trauma you have held in your heart. Your expression is one of love in action. It will create in you a limitless compassion filling your heart with empathy and most important forgiveness. The act of forgiving yourself for holding on to something that did not bring you a sense of peace will make an emerald lotus cross in your heart chakra emit a bright shining light. This bright shining light dwelling in your heart will pull the imminence of love and peace to you. You will know you are never alone. Breathe in the God light, bring in the lushness, the emerald peace into your heart.  Release, relax and let go of the past. God is with you now, God is with you always. Rugged times may come again and when they do, ask yourself, how deep and green is your valley?

                        ~~~ Cherlyn Sekhmet Alexander ~~~ (Cherlyn Finley)


Monday, March 5, 2012

Tune into Source

The Earth is shifting and everyone is feeling this. We, as a human race are changing as a whole. This is happening because we are all interconnected in some way. More and more each day, people from all walks of life tell me how they are feeling different physically, mentally or are opening or closing emotionally. The time is now to change. You ask how? It has to do with taking the time to tune into Divinity (God/Goddess/Source, whatever your name for this higher being is). Take the time to just breathe; sit, listen to your breath and ask for guidance from Divinity. If you are feeling sad, tune into Source and ask for connection to be uplifted. Don’t concentrate too hard, just breathe, ask and see the Divine light coming into you. If you are feeling weak or sick, tune into Source and ask for a connection to be healed. KNOW in each circumstance that you are tuning into a part of who you really are and when you ask, it is given you before you even realize it. Don’t judge, don’t put any circumstances on it, just let it go and be taken care of.  If you are feeling happy and OK, tune into Source and be prayer for others, see them in perfect divine light feeling like you do. Tune into Source, you cannot go wrong. Whatever you are feeling, spend some time, if only for 5 minutes each day, take the time to tune into Source energy. And remember to be thankful after you request and send your loving energy to our Mother Earth. She needs your love also.
Namaste-Blessings dear Souls,