What happens when you decide to go some place for the day or the night to “get away from it all”? What is happening in your mind? When you go to an amusement park for example, you are preparing yourself to be amused, to let go and be a child again, to forget your worries for awhile. Most of the other people are there for the same reason, to have fun! The energy all around you is high with excitement. People are running, smiling, laughing. You can let go and let a ride take you for a spin of excitement, you can refresh yourself with a swim or just sit back and watch the activities around you. It feels good to be in an atmosphere where you know you are going to experience fun. Your body as well as your mind (if you so choose) are absorbing this energy. Usually by the end of your “get away” you are tired; but you are usually relaxed, you sleep well because you allowed yourself to let go for awhile. Being in an energy field that you enjoy helps your body, mind and soul. Some people may find this feeling out in nature, others may find it on the dance floor, while others may find it in a place of worship. Where ever it is that you allow yourself to let go and be amused or be fulfilled in some way, you are absorbing good energy.
Now think of what happens when you are some place where the energy is negative. You witness someone arguing or a fight breaking out. You become uneasy. You tense up. Some people can even feel it when they enter into an atmosphere before they even see or hear the negativity. It is because the energy that is being sent out is not in alignment with love or with God. Your body is also absorbing this energy. You may start to sense a feeling of anxiousness or nervousness. What about if this negativity is happening to you? How are you feeling then? If someone is angry with you and directing their anger toward you, it is felt in your body. You absorb it also.
Before we enter into any new place we look around, we observe what is going on and our awareness is high. We listen to what is being said or how things are being said. We look at expressions on people’s faces. By observing things, we know whether we would feel comfortable in the new place and if we would accept being there.
Now let’s think about doing the same thing where ever we go, but turn inward and tune into your feelings. Have absorb-va-tion. Know that if something or someone does not feel comfortable, then the energy is not in direct alignment with God or with love. Do you want to absorb this kind of energy? Ask yourself these questions? After I am with someone who is negative or who makes me feel negative, does this help my body, my mind and my soul? When I am in a situation again and again that I do not like, why am I feeling down, tired, discouraged, or anxious? It is due to absorbing the negativity. Think about these situations, be aware of when this is happening and feel what it is doing to you.
Namaste' dear souls,